Download - Vintage Lingerie/Corset Digital Collage, adverts,posters,signs

Download - Vintage Lingerie/Corset Digital Collage, adverts,posters,signs

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Instant digital download to print at home. 

Miniature Vintage style Lingerie signs and posters on A4 page to cut out and cover walls, boxes and furniture in your 1/12th scale store etc

The watermark does not appear on the final version.

There are no duplications on the image. You can resize using your printer by using the % adjuster.

The colours may vary depending on your printer settings and quality of paper used. I use matt photo card but it also works well on glossy photo card.

Once checkout is complete, you will have instant access to the digital collage sheet or sheets.

You can use the images to create your own products but please do not re sell the images in digital form or as part of collage sheets or kits.